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Friday, 20 June 2014

KEAM 2014 Option Registration

CEE Kerala KEAM 2014 Option Registration has been Started on 17th June 2014. All Students who are aspiring for Admissions to B.Tech Engineering, Architecture and Medical Programs in Various Engineering, Architecture and Medical Colleges in Kerala Through KEAM 2014 Entrance Test can now Register the options. It will be closed at 5 pm on 23rd June.

Rules and regulations governing allotments through submission of options.

Candidate to register options: Candidates included in the Engineering, Architecture, Medical and Ayurveda Rank lists 2014, will have to register their options in the streams concerned for being considered for allotments to the courses and colleges under the respective streams.

Registering Options

Options can be registered only through the website Candidates will have to register their options in a stream or different streams (based on their eligibility) in the Home Page of the candidate through the website within the stipulated period of time. Candidates can access this website and follow the instructions given therein and as described in Clause 11.5 of the Prospectus to register their options for courses and colleges.

A candidate, not registering his/her options as per the time schedule announced, will not be considered for allotments under his/her eligible streams against any of the seats available then irrespective of his/her rank.

Registering of options in respect of candidates included in different Rank Lists (Medical/Ayurveda/Engineering/Architecture)

A candidate included in different rank lists can register options of different streams simultaneously based on his/her order of priority of courses and colleges. All options available to the candidate, based on the streams he/she is eligible for, can be registered in a single registration.

Read the Procedure for Registering Options from the KEAM 2014 Prospectus

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